Speak in your voice. Speak as you.

Defying what is said in this article, I am going to quote a part I especially liked, as it is so very true that I feel it in my bones…

“…Which might well be why Nietzsche warned us: beware of your followers. Not so much that they may betray you (it didn’t hurt the legacy of the Nazarene too badly), nor even attempt to take over (otherwise the notion of dynasties would long have fallen), but that they may cite you, borrow your voice, echo you.
Speak in your voice. Speak as you.”

See the full article: http://www.berfrois.com/2013/05/jeremy-fernando-lee-kuan-yews-death-has-already-taken-place/
With beautiful art by Yanyun Chen (http://www.yanyunchen.com/)