Ruimte voor nieuwe cliënten – Accepting new clients
In 2024 verhuisd naar Parkstraat 54, Nuenen (NB)

Writer / Schrijver

As a philosopher, words are my means to life. I’m always involved in writing projects. Small and large. I write academic and non-academic texts. I also enjoy writing fiction, mainly short stories.

book shoot 1

I can’t really remember a time I did not write. Stories, poems, satire in school papers, essays, theater pieces, monologues, papers, editorials, plays, columns, reviews. Some can be read here, but if you are interested in a sample of my writing (in English and/or Dutch), academic essays, columns, translation work, please do not hesitate to contact me at nicole.nobyeni@ Also interested in new possibilities in collaboration for future writing projects.

[last updated 17 April, 2023]

On-going writing projects: 

  • ‘Object-Oriented Philosophy and Gene Drive Technology’ project, collaboration with Anna Cornelia Nieuwenweg (Wageningen University)
  • Philosophical Compassion [manuscript, work-in-progress, Dutch]
  • Fiction short stories [Dutch & English]
  • Why Philosophers are Mad: Diagnosis of the Contemporary Philosopher [translation into English, proofreading phase]
  • Cybioses Archive – writing project
  • Papers, including collaborative writing projects.

Finished / SUBMITTED writing projects:

Primarily non-fiction, in English unless otherwise mentioned. For published fiction see here. Includes larger fiction submissions and awards.


  • De Loden Vrouw. Poem [Dutch], submission Valkhof Museum contest.
  • Being with the Speculum. Essay. Submission Burke Prize, Irigaray Circle.
  • Writing-with an-Other. Presentation and workshop at Nordic Summer University, Summer Session Logumkloster, Denmark.
  • Staatsbiliothek zu Berlin – My Sanctuary. Submission to: How a Library Changed My Life – Writing Competition, 2024.



  • Intuïtie – maar hoe zit dat dan?!! Essay, Dutch. Stroom in Beeld, november 2022.




  • The Necessity of the Impossible. Book, published with Exilic Press.
  • The Imaginary Castle. Short story submission.
  • Protocol Een. Short story submission for contest, Dutch. Longlisted.
  • The leven dat niet meer is. Essay, submission Joost Zwagerman prize, Dutch
  • The Brightest Green. Essay, submission Jericho Prize.
  • An approach for reliable transformative learning: a reconceptualization of the WeValue InSitu process. Academic paper, submission. [co-author]
  • Dancing International Feminism. Short story submission. Presentation at Nordic Summer University Summer Session Circle 3: Feminist Philosophy, Roosta, Estonia.
  • Het Eiland. Short story submission, Dutch.
  • Het leven dat niet meer is. Anil Ramdas Prize submission, Dutch.
  • The Liminal Event of Reading. Paper presentation at Nordic Summer University Winter Symposium Circle 2: Cybioses, Nida, Lithuania.
  • The Liminal Event of Reading. Paper presentation at Nordic Summer University Winter Symposium Circle 3: Feminist Philosophy, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Het Eiland. Short story synopsis, Dutch. Submission Badboek. Top-5 contestant.
  • Kapot. Short story, Dutch. Submission schrijfwedstrijd De Blokkade.


  • Diagnose van de moderne filosoof – Waarom filosofen gek zijn. Published by Uitgeverij Damon. Longlisted for Hypatia Prize 2020, prize for philosophy books written by women in Dutch.
  • Diagnosis of the Modern Philosopher. English translation of the Dutch book.
  • Transformation of Thought: A method of philosophical embodiment. Paper and presentation at Feminist Philosophy Conference, Nordic Summer University, Fårö, Sweden.
  • Wir relativieren uns zu Tode. Book proposal, German. With Gabriel Yoran.
  • Ethiek van het stoplicht. Book manuscript, Dutch.
  • Wie denk je wel dat je bent? Final thesis for post-HBO education to become ACT/art therapist, Dutch. Cum Laude.
  • De werkelijkheid ben je zelf. Essay, Dutch. Jonge Kunstkritiek Prize submission.
  • Jouw hel is mijn hemel en vice versa. Essay, Dutch. Volzin Prize submission.
  • Denkend aan Eindhoven. Story, Dutch. Eindhovens Schrijftalent Prize submission.
  • De waardeloosheid van meningen. Essay, Dutch. Banning Prize submission.
  • What is Truth Anyway? Project proposal Theodora Niemeijer Prize submission


  • Zij – nee ik. Poem in response to painting by Isaac Israels, Dutch. Won contest organised by museum Kröller-Müller .
  • Evaluating Human Development and the Problem of Universal Lists of Human Values. Paper. With Marie Harder.
  • On Achieving the Impossible. Essay and book outline. NineDots Prize submission.
  • Learning as Embodiment – a Feminist Approach to Truth. Paper and paper presentation, Feminist Philosophy conference Nordic Summer University, Saulkrasti, Latvia.
  • Achter de dijken stroomt het water. Essay, Dutch. Anil Ramdas Prize submission.
  • Tractatus Homo-Agement. Book manuscript. Bracken Bower Prize submission.
  • Regarding Depowerment Manifesto. Chapter in book by Stephanie Hanna zu Thun und Lassen.
  • Philosophical Method of Embodiment – A Matrixial method of Learning. Paper.
  • Happiness by Lenoir. Essay.
  • Between Faith and Belief – Toward a Contemporary Phenomenology of Religious Life. Book review.


  • The modern shift from ontological to epistemological religious understanding and its influence on the deliberative process. Paper. Sanders Prize for Philosophy of Religion, submission.
  • Panopticon of the Present. Book manuscript. On the impossibility and the necessity of answering the question of peace (in cooperation with the Baha’i Chair for World Peace, University of Maryland)
  • The Woman is Besides the Point. Paper.
  • Diagnose van de Moderne Filosoof. Book manuscript, Dutch. Van Helsdingen Prize submission. Runner-up.
  • Kunst met een Hoofdletter. Essay, Dutch. Marie Kleine-Gartman Prize submission.
  • Het Oog van de Ander, Project proposal, Dutch. Theodora Niemeijer Prize submission.


  • The Necessity of the Impossible, PhD-thesis in Contemporary Philosophy, Art and Critical Thinking, defended summer 2015 at European Graduate School.
  • The University is about Changing Perspective. Essay. Vox Prize submission.
  • Denkend aan grenzen. Essay, Dutch. Volzin Prize submission.
  • Short story, published under pseudonym, De Grote Lowlands Schrijfwedstrijd, top-20, published in collection, by Nijgh & Van Ditmar.
  • Two to three articles per week on philosophy, religion and current affairs, Dutch. Published on website (January 2015 – January 2016)




  • The Problem of Epistemic Representation for the Legitimacy of Deliberative Democracy. Master thesis. Social Innovation Category of the Future Ideas European Innovation Master Thesis 2013 submission, runner-up.
  • Vergane Tijd. Play, Dutch.
  • Multi-Stakeholder Participation in the United Nations: Challenges for Representation and Legitimacy. Paper with Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen and Minu Hemmati. Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks 2012, Wageningen University.
  • Het probleem van epistemische representatie voor de legitimiteit van deliberatieve democratie. Essay, Dutch. Published in Splijtstof.
  • Dwarse Tijden. Essay, Dutch. Published in Splijtstof.


  • Splijtstof Spreekt. Essay, Dutch. With Nathan Tax. Published in Splijtstof, jr.40-01, p.69-71.
  • Een vermakelijk spelletje: What would Heidegger do? Essay, Dutch. Published in Splijtstof, jr. 40-01, p.89-91.
  • De zondeval als ethisch verhaal. Essay, Dutch. Published in Splijtstof, jr. 39-3, p. 23-35.


  • Genesis volgens Kant. Essay, Dutch. Published in Splijtstof, jr. 39-2, p.83-84.
  • Een Multiculturele Hemel. Play in one act, Dutch. Published in Splijtstof.


  • To Be Thomas. Play in four acts. Performed at Acuto, Italy, February 2006.


  • Complexe Zaken. Book manuscript, Dutch. With Martine Hoogsteen. High school final project. Won 1st prize as the best ‘profielwerkstuk’.


  • Achter het raam. Poem, Dutch. Won poetry contest, published in Hadjegedicht!? 2000.

Other Collections of Published Work

  • Fiction (published on personal blogs such as Medium, short stories mainly)
  • Articles, columns and book reviews (in Dutch) on Website bestaat niet meer, maar via Wayward Internet Archive wel te vinden.
  • Reviews of cultural events, mostly theater, dance and classical music, in Dutch. On Nijmegen website for cultural events,