Ruimte voor nieuwe cliënten – Accepting new clients
In 2024 verhuisd naar Parkstraat 54, Nuenen (NB)

ACT/Art Course

In short:

  • Start: Monday 16 September 2024
  • Six Wednesday evenings (19:30-22:00), including short break.
  • Focus on practical experiential learning: learning by doing short artistic exercises and reflecting on it together.
  • By dr. Nicole des Bouvrie, experienced ACT-therapist and teacher of ACT/Art therapy.
  • Small group (3-6 people).
  • Includes all artistic materials and coffee/tea and something sweet.
  • In Nuenen (15 minutes by bus from Eindhoven CS).
  • Price: When paid before 1 September: €435, incl tax (btw), after 1 September: €535, incl tax (btw)
Art Stock photos by Vecteezy

Why ACT?

ACT is short for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It is a scientifically proven model in which ‘doing what works’ takes a central role. Goal is psychological flexibility – the flexibility to respond to what life throws at you so that you can live out your own values. Which isn’t as easy as it may sound, but ACT makes it very practical and approachable. Which is why ACT isn’t only valuable for people in search of therapeutic support (which I also offer in individual sessions), but also for people who would like to focus less on being in control of life, and would like more space for living.

Why using art?

In our Western society we are used to explaining and understanding everything rationally. We are trained to create narratives around our problems. Which is fine, until it stops working. Because these skills can turn against us, especially when it concerns things we rather not face. Which is why working with art, with visual art and making our own images, helps to look at our selves and our life anew. An imagine tells us something different from the stories we tell ourselves. And artistic work also helps to experience something rather than rationally understanding something. In my practise as ACT/Art therapist, but also as teacher at Vrije Academie ’t Pad I rely on artistic exercises (drawing, painting, sculpting) to experience the different ACT processes. Often in combination with body-awareness exercises.

This combination of ACT and art is rather unique. But responses from previous students were clear – sometimes people had already followed several ACT courses, and they rationally knew everything. But they testified that even after one meeting they learned more through the experiential-artistic-learning model. Art works.

Art Stock photos by Vecteezy

Why experiential learning?

Experiencing something by doing it yourself and litterly standing face to face with what you produced, or to see it physically/visually happening with someone else during the course, is a very effective way of learning.

ACT isn’t meant as a theoretic model, or something to just talk about — although that is a very common way of ‘doing’ ACT, unfortunately. Which doesn’t mean theory is not impmortant, and it will be definitely addressed during the course, including tips for literature to study more at home. But during our time together we are doing-ACT, because that is the essence of ACT. Acceptance and Commitment, you can talk about it for a long time, but experiencing it through art exercises, teaches you so much more.

For whom?

Everyone who is interested in learning more about ACT and about integrating ACT in their own life. Experience with art is not necessary, but artists are also welcome. Knowledge about ACT is not necessary either, but also welcome.

ACT is nowadays a ‘hot’ topic in therapy-land, and many courses are ofference. But often these are specifically aimed at coaches or therapists, whereas this course is aimed at human beings. Also the combination of ACT and art and experiential learning are not as common.

Coaches and therapists who would like to learn how to practise ACT/Art therapy are welcome. But please be aware that the focus in this course lies on personal experience.

Accessibility and location

The location is my private practise, which is located on the first floor, only accessible through a flight of stairs. Unfortunately there is no elevator and therefore the location is not wheelchair accessible.

Please let me know if you have physical limits so I can prepare the exercises accordingly and prepare additional/fitting materials.

Practical information

Location: Parkstraat 54, Nuenen (close to Eindhoven). Free parking in front of the building. Bus stop Kerkstraat, Nuenen (bus 404/322 from Eindhoven CS 15 minutes, then 5 minute walk).
When: Monday evenings 19:30-22:00.
Dates: 16 & 30 September, 14 and 28 October, 11 and 25 November 2024.
Language: English. (Please see course in Dutch here)
Group size: At least 3, maximum 6 people.
Price: When paid before 1 September: €435, incl tax (btw), after 1 September: €535, incl tax (btw)
Including: all creative materials during the course (paper, paint, ecoline, clay, pencils, pastels, etc) and coffe/tea and something sweet during the breaks.
Sign up: [email protected], your place is definite after payment of the invoice. General conditions apply (see in Dutch: Algemene voorwaarden).